The people and companies who get you to the National Parks
(Denali NP - photo courtesy of K2 Aviation… Telkeetna, AK)
So, you do not own a boat or plane at every port-of-call across our country? Without such luxury, how does one plan to arrive at Fort Jefferson in Dry Tortugas NP, Aniakchak NMon in Alaska, or Rainbow Bridge NMon in Utah? Unless you are ready to take on the Gulf of Mexico for 90 miles of swimming (one way) or to sweat through days and days of hiking, knowing who can assist you in reaching those off-the-beaten-path National Park units is valuable information.
And what about the fun activities in various parks which require equipment (which you do not own, or not willing to lug across the country… think about kayaks at Channel Islands NP and Salt River Bay NHP), guides (so you do not get lost, and learn interesting facts and stories), or other logistics. Following are the companies whose services I contracted to assist me in the Quest.
Many concessionaires operate lodging properties in some parks. Look at the Lodging Information tab under ROADTRIPPING for information on those businesses. Some parks require renting a car, such as the National Park of American Samoa. For those few special situations, I have listed the companies I used.
Alagnak Wild River… Aniakchak NMon and NPres… Katmai NP and NPres
Branch River Air Service, Inc. _____ King Salmon _____ branchriverair.com
Bering Land Bridge NPres… Gates of the Arctic NP… Cape Krusenstern NMon… Noatak NPres… Kobuk Valley NP
Golden Eagle Outfitters _____ Kotzebue _____ alaskawildernessexpeditions.com
Denali NPres - K2 Aviation _____ Talkeetna _____ flyk2.com
Sheldon Air Services _ Talkeetna___ sheldonairservices.com
Talkeetna Air Taxi__ Talkeetna_____ talkeetnaair.com
Gates of the Arctic NPres - Brooks Range Aviation _____ Bettles ____ brooksrange.com
Glacier Bay NP - Glacier Bay Lodge _____ Gustavus _____ visitglacierbay.com/tours/glacier-bay-day-tour
Juneau _____ flyalaskaseaplanes.com
Glacier Bay NPres - Coastal Air Service _____ Yakutat _____ flyyca.com
Katmai NP and NPres - Brooks Lodge and Bus Tour_____ Anchorage_____ katmailand.com
Klondike NHP - Alaska Seaplanes _____ Juneau _____ flyalaskaseaplanes.com
Lake Clark NP and NPres - Lake and Peninsula Air _____ Anchorage _____ lakeandpenair.com
Wrangell and St. Elias NP and NPres - The Kennicott Shuttle _____ Glenallen _____ 1-907-822-5292
Coastal Air Service_____ Yakutat (see above)
Yukon-Charley NPres - Wright Air Services, Inc. _____ Fairbanks _____ wrightairservice.com
National Park of American Samo - Tautai Car Rental _____ Tafuna _____ tautaicarrentals.com
Rainbow Bridge NMon - Lake Powell Resorts and Marinas _____ Wahwep _____ lakepowell.com
Antelope Point Marina _____________ Page _______ lakepowellhouseboating.com
Channel Islands NP - Channel Islands Adventure _____ Ventura _____ islandkayaking.com
Biscayne NP - Biscayne NP Institute _____ Homestead _____ biscaynenationalparkinstitute.org/snorkeling/
Dry Tortugas NP (Fort Jefferson) - Yankee Freedom Ferry _____ Key West _____ drytortugas.com
Everglades NP - Everglades Adventures Kayak and Eco Tours _____ Everglades City _____ evergladesadventures.com
Cumberland Island NS - Cumberland Island Ferry _____ St. Marys _____ cumberlandislandferry.com
Hono’uli’uli NHS - Rainbow Helicopters___Honolulu_____rainbowhelicopters.com
also, visit Japanese Cultural Center of Hawaii since they are a partner with NPS for this park
Kalaupapa NHP - Mokulele Airlines _____ Honolulu _____ mokuleleairlines.com
Isle Royal NP - Grand Portage Transportation Line _____ Grand Portage _____ isleroyaleboats.com
Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore - Pictured Rocks Kayaking _____ Munising _____ paddlepicturedrocks.com
Governors Island - Trust for Governors Island ferry_____New York_____ Governors Island Ferry
Statue of Liberty - Statue citycruises ______ New York _____ StatueCruises.com
Cape Lookout National Seashore - Island Express Ferry Service ______ Harker’s Island _____ islandexpressferryservice.com
Fort Sumter NHP - Fort Sumter Tours _____ Charleston _____ fortsumtertours.com
Buck Island Reef NMon - Caribbean Sea Adventures _____ Christiansted _____ caribbeanseaadventures.com
Island Diving - St Croix Blue Water Adventures _____ Christiansted _____ stcroixscuba.com
Salt River Bay NHP - Sea Thru Kayaks VI _____ Salt River Bay _____ seathrukayaksvi.com
Lake Chelan NRA - Lady of the Lake _____ Chelan _____ ladyofthelake.com
San Juan Island NHP - Washington State Ferry _____ Anacortes _____ wsdot.wa.gov
President’s Park - contact your U.S. Senators and Congress representative for White House tour tickets
Apostles Islands National Lakeshore - Trek & Trail _____ Bayfield _____ trek-trail.com