What will I do at each Park?
A visit to any National Park would not be complete without doing something. Yes, something! And not just sitting on a bench being mesmerized by a hand-held electronic device. Unless, of course, it is a digital camera (are there any cameras still using film?) being prepped to take photos of your visit. So, get to it. Partake in swimming, kayaking, climbing, viewing a video in the Visitor Center, or hiking to ruins. The opportunities are exhaustive in each park and across the 423 parks. On this page is a list of all those park units and the main activities of which I intend to experience. No bench sitting for me… I want to be in the starting line-up.
Do you see activities which look familiar from your past visits? Or make a mental note to try some of these in future travels. And do not forget to drum up a conversation with one or more park rangers along your way. They are dedicated to making every visitor feel welcome and comfortable. They are the best source of knowledge for each unit. Be sure to ask questions.