Supporting Organizations
The effort to preserve America’s National Parks cannot be advanced by Congressional funding alone.
Help the National Park Service continue the work of John Muir, Stephen Mather, and the many other great leaders of the past. Please consider donating by visiting the websites of various organizations which dedicate their work to preserving our national parks.
Participate in a “Pledge Challenge”, promising to donate to one of the below organizations a certain amount for each park I visit in my Quest. You get to decide the $/park level. $0.10 per park… $1.00 per park… etc. Or maybe the $/state approach (and four territories… Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico). Any amount is most welcome.
Every pledge will be met with a resounding “thank you”, as clear as was any ringing of the Liberty Bell or as loud as cascading Yosemite Falls in Yosemite National Park.
Another approach to supporting our national parks is to volunteer. Every park unit has opportunities for citizens to step forward and offer their services. Elizabeth’s neighbor when growing up, John Green, became a trusted member of the Manassas National Battlefield Park’s volunteer corps, loving every minute of interfacing with visitors. Contact a park’s superintendent’s office to begin your journey into the NPS.
The list of institutions supporting America’s National Parks is exhaustive. Following are some of the more well known “partners” with the NPS, including those to which I have previously donated.
Bronze cast of John Muir, at John Muir NHS Visitor Center
National Parks Conservation Association The NPCA’s mission is, “Protecting and enhancing America’s National Park System for present and future generations.”
National Park Foundation NPF is the official non-profit partner of the National Park Service.
The Sierra Club The Sierra Club was founded by the father of the National Parks, John Muir. The club is “the most enduring and influential grassroots environmental organization in the United States.”
The Nature Conservancy This organization’s mission is, “Conserving the lands and waters on which all life depends.”
Eastern National “Eastern National promotes the public’s understanding and support of America’s national parks and other public trust partners by providing quality educational experiences, products, and services.” If you want to buy merchandise which promotes the parks, this is a great organization.
Western National Parks Association WNPA partners with the National Park Service. “Every purchase supports parks and helps fulfill our mission to support education, research, and community engagement.”
Save the Redwoods League In the last century this organization has saved over 216,000 acres of ancient redwood forests, and continues to strive to connect people to these gentle giants.
Student Conservation Association For 65+ years, the SCA has been America’s conservation corps, helping to protect and restore our National Parks.
Blue Ridge Parkway Foundation “In support of the Blue Ridge Parkway, we create a spirit of stewardship to address the challenges faced by this national treasure. With your help, we ensure cultural and historical preservation, natural resource protection, and educational outreach now and for future generations.”
Washington’s National Park Fund “We raise private support to preserve and protect Washington’s cherished national parks. With your help, we fund scientific research, youth and family experiences, and projects that will keep our parks strong and vital now and forever, for everyone.”