Why Support Non-Profit Organizations?
This land, its peoples, and the connected histories are ours to protect and preserve. Evolving over thousands of millennia, then drastically shaped by our ancestors the last 400 years, this country, and the world, where we call home is at the mercy of each subsequent generation. To do nothing is to eventually bring ruin to the ideals and way of life we and our fellow creatures cherish.
If we ignore the past we will rob from the present. If we forget the past, we will sacrifice our future.
Scientists estimate there are 100 million unique species on our plant. Fossil records indicate the extinction rate of species has been one for every 1,000,000 species every year. In the year 2021, 22 species which had roamed within the United States were declared extinct. The Little Mariana Fruit Bat and Bridled White-eye Bird, residents of Guam, would have been spotted in the War in the Pacific NHP but are now gone; forever.
(Photo is Double-O Arch… Arches National Park)
Lincoln Memorial, D.C.
“You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.” An exceptional statement by a distinguished leader. The people who have made our country great over 400 years, and what they accomplished should never be forgotten. Their stories and successes are the cornerstones of America’s heritage.
Trunk Bay - Virgin Islands NP
Many National Parks are under attack, by unacceptable legislation, lax societal indifference, climate change, carelessness, etc. Donations to non-profits organizations, dedicated to stemming and reversing these actions and inactions, will help insure the parks are here for future generations to experience.
Every park unit symbolizes a tiny bit of our country, whether through nature or manmade moments in history. Civil rights, wildlife rights, inventions, American sweat and ingenuity, leadership, arts and culture,
These organizations work tirelessly to promote their missions of protecting our National Parks. Please consider assisting their cause, a cause we should all feel attached too.
Take a personal oath to help our National Parks, either through volunteer efforts or financial support.
We can be a determining factor in which parts of our cultural and natural heritage will be around for the next generations to learn and enjoy.