So, you think you know America’s National Parks?
Let’s Find out. The iconic game Trivial Pursuit brought widespread acceptance to all those folks who were considered “know it alls”. They became your best friends on those nights when folks gathered around the family room table to be seduced by knowledge competition. Just look at one outcome of the trend, a successful television show called The Big Bang Theory. Geekiness will forever be “COOL”.
Fort McHenry, MD
Test your knowledge by scoring points.
Score 0 to 25 points - one who likes to visit a park just to enjoy
Score 26 to 45 points - excellent, you know something about the parks
Score 46 to 70 points - bone up on the details and you will be an expert
Score 71 to 89 points - bowing to an educated person
Score 90 to 100 points - a Grand Master of America’s National Parks knowledge
No peeking until you have given it your best.
Aniakchak National Monument, located on the Alaska Peninsula of southeast Alaska, receives a miniscule number of visitors. The NPS claims only 100 people a year complete journey to this park unit.
Thaddeus Kosciuszko National Memorial, located in Philadelphia, just a few blocks from Independence National Historical Park, has a land footprint of only 871 square feet.
Did you get 21? Yes, the White House counts.
Adams NHP (both John and John Quincy)
Andrew Johnson NHS
Jimmy Carter NHP
Clinton Birthplace Home NHS
Eisenhower NHS
James Garfield NHS
Ulysses Grant NHS
Herbert Hoover NHS
John Kennedy NHS
Lincoln Birthplace NHP
Lincoln Boyhood NMem
Lincoln Home NHS
Home of FDR NHS
T Roosevelt Birthplace NHS
Sagamore Hill NHS
William Taft NHS
Harry Truman NHS
Martin Van Buren NHS
George Washington Birthplace NMon
The White House
August, 1916 was the establishment of the greatest organization to protect and preserve the heritage of the United States of America.
Were you able to list all 14?
Belmont-Paul Women’s Equality NMon
Constitution Gardens
Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial
Ford’s Theater NHS
Korean War Veterans NMem
Lincoln Memorial
Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial
Pennsylvania Ave NHS
Thomas Jefferson Memorial
Vietnam Veterans Memorial
Washington Monument
World War I Memorial
World War II Memorial
National Park of American Samoa
Assateague NS (MD, VA)
Blackstone River Valley NHP (MA, RI)
Cumberland Gap NHP (KY, TN, VA)
Dinosaur NMon (CO, UT)
Fort Donelson NB (KY, TN)
Fort Union Trading Post NHS (MT, ND)
Gulf Islands NS (FL, MS)
Hovenweep NMon (CO, UT)
Klondike NHP (AK, WA)
Lewis and Clark NHP (OR, WA)
Manhattan Project NHP (NM, TN, WA)
Middle Delaware NSR (NJ, PA)
Nez Perce NHP (ID, WA)
Upper Delaware SRR (NY, PA)
Yellowstone NP (ID, MT, WY)
Teddy Roosevelt…
Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace NHS
Theodore Roosevelt Inaugural NHS
Theodore Roosevelt National Park
Great Smokey Mountains NP
Grand Canyon NP.
Apostle Islands National Lakeshore
Cape Code National Seashore.
Denali National Park and Preserve - Mount Denali at 20,310 feet above sea level
Death Valley National Park - Badwater Basin at 282 feet below sea level
Organ Pipe Cactus NMon
Big Bend NP
Rio Grande WSR
Amistad NRA
Yukon-Charley Rivers National Preserve
Wrangell-St.Elias National Park and Preserve
Voyageurs National Park
Glacier National Park
Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve
North Cascades National Park
Ross Lake National Recreation Area
Isle Royale National Park
Buck Island Reef National Monument
The answer is b)… 20 feet
Haleakala National Park - Pu’u ‘Ula’ula at 10,023 feet elevation is just 8 miles from the Pacific Ocean. What a climb.
Were you able to think of all 7?
Delaware Water Gap NRA
Harper’s Ferry NHP
C&O Canal NHP
Potomac Heritage NST
Shenandoah NP
Blue Ridge Parkway
Great Smokey Mountains NP
The answer is d)…
Agate Fossil Beds NMon
Florissant Fossil Beds NMon
Hagerman Fossil Beds NMon
John Day Fossil Beds NMon
Lava Beds NMon
Tule Springs Fossil Beds NMon
The answer is c)…
Bering Land Bridge NPres
Natural Bridges NMon
Rainbow Bridge NMon
Should be ten park units.
Aniakchak NMon and NPres
Crater Lake NP
Haleakala NP
Hawaii Volcanoes NP
Katmai NP and NPres
Lake Clark NP and NPres
Lassen Volcanic NP
Valles Caldera NPres
Wrangell - St. Elias NP and NPres
Yellowstone NP
Missouri National Recreational River, beats out the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area, 2341 miles for its main stem, versus 2202 miles.
Flight 93 National Memorial
Yellowstone NP was established in 1872.
Independence Hall
Liberty Bell
Petroglyph National Monument, AZ
Little Rock Central High School NHS, AR